Tuesday, January 02, 2007

pad 2

So far I'm two for two. Yeah...big woop you might say. Well it's a big deal for me. I have a hard time creating a page a day. It's hard to find the time because a) I am the world's slowest scrapper 2) it's just plain ole hard to find the time. But here it is.

Now on to other stuff. Today was busy.
Laundry. check
More laundry. check
Unload dishwasher. check
Make breakfast for the boys. check
Make lunch for the boys. check
Make dinner for all of us. check
Put towels in car for Christine. check
Go to Target to buy birthday presents for the twins. check
Wrap said birthday presents. check
Put them in car. check
Pack boys' suits, towels and dry clothes. check
Creat a LO. check
Okay, it doesn't really seem like I was all that busy. But remember. I did have the boys here with me. E is out of school until Jan 8th.
Now I'm off to finish my decaf mocha which has been in the fridge for a couple of days.
Tomorrow is another busy day. Meeting the Becks for the twins' birthday party.
There will be swimming.
And screaming kids.
Oh yeah...must go pack Tylenol. I'm sure I'll need it.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

nice! Spam in your comments. Now I have seen everything!

Well, I adore your page! Can't wait to see tomorrow!