Friday, August 15, 2008

summer is winding down.

from the olympics, i have been interested in three things. womens' gymnastics ( and mens' too, how could i not want the underdog USA team to win a medal?), dara torres and last but not least, michael phelps. other than that? i don't watch. mostly it was the womens' gymnastics and michael phelps. i may have gazed at all the amazing perfectly defined and in shape bodies. wow. like holy crap wow. i wish i had some of their motivation/determination.

ethan and alexander's cousins are leaving tomorrow morning (and the boys are not happy about it). i think they've all had a pretty fun week at auntie's. how could they not with going to the park, eating ice cream, going to the marina, bike riding, video games, going to the lake and to the water park. who wouldn't want to come to auntie's house. the food has been pretty good too if i do say so myself. more time consuming to feed that many, but it is most definitely do-able. we have put our brand new table to good use. everyone had a place at the table. nice.
summer is winding down. school starts in just over a week. it is getting dark earlier (boo, hiss)....we have had, however, a heat wave through here the last few days. triple digits. our air conditioner has definitely been working overtime. it's 11:30pm and it is still on.
i really wish next week could be filled with fulfilling my 'i want to's' instead of the 'i need to's and i will do's'. i would love to drive over to the coast for a few days. but that won't be happening.
being that i haven't painted in almost three months, i hope to change that sometime soon. i can feel the urge bubbling back up to the top. i haven't had the opportunity (or energy really) to paint, or art journal. i am hoping when E goes back to school i can change that. there are just only so many hours in the day. and none of them seem to be spent in that way. it's again all about the cycles and how i do not have my life in balance.
now i am off to take more allergy medicine. i will soon be going to bed. i do have an early call. and it is SO hard for me to wake up when i get so little sleep. i had two nights that i actually slept a couple hours in a row but seem to be back to tossing and turning all night. which is SO irritating. and exhausting.


Lisa said...

Summer winding down always get's my energy back in gear. The boys having alot to occupy them and the cooler days help too! You sound like "super auntie" to me!

Patrice~ said...

Aunt Kimberly, do you
make house calls?
To the midwest??
My kids are so o.l.d
compared to your boys!
and I just love
when school starts here.
But I'm old, too.
ps: looking forward
to seeing what
new masterpieces you create.

Patrice~ said...

Aunt Kimberly, do you
make house calls?
To the midwest??
My kids are so o.l.d
compared to your boys!
and I just love
when school starts here.
But I'm old, too.
ps: looking forward
to seeing what
new masterpieces you create.