Tuesday, April 14, 2009

we are in newport!

little plane ride.
little driving time (well....not a little)...more than a little. a lot.
and we're here!
jamming to tunes while i drive is so therapeutic for me. love love love that.
driving down highway 20 (heading west) and coming down the little hill....that's when you first see the ocean....smelling the air...SO good.
boys in the pool (me in the hot tub).
found somewhere to eat.
boys are getting ready for bed.
going to the beach.
driving. more. we'll end up where we end up.
the highlight of the trip? the three of us singing (loudly) to matt nathanson's 'come on get higher'. holy crap. my boys know the words to that song!! and...um....it's probably not the best song for them to know! heh. they were rockin' it though. omg it was great. i think i will remember that forever...the three of us singing, rocking out in the car. good stuff.
i would post photos if i could. but my laptop can't read my photocard (and i have yet to figure out why).
more later.


Marieke said...

How I love google maps! As I've finally figured out where you're heading. Yes I'm lacking in my geographical knowledge of the USA. Safe travels Kimberly! And I'm looking forward to the updates. Listen to your gut okay? Much love.

Misty said...

Keep on having fun! Follow your heart. Tell the boys hi for us. Ellie asked if Ethan and Alexander are coming back to swim. <3

~Amie~ said...

sounds like a fab-o time!!