this past weekend i took part in astoria visual art's first annual open studio tour. what this means is, i (and 32 other local astoria artists) opened our studios to whomever wanted to come and look. peeps got to see my work, my space......AND some of my house (since my studio is actually inside my house). it was an interesting expeience. one that has opened a door or two, small doors, but which have given me direction nonetheless. this is a piece i painted in june. i have decided instead of being blocked (i haven't been able to produce consecutive art i love in a very long time), i will paint. i will paint through it. it is better to paint something you hate than to paint nothing at all. eventually i will find my groove, it will flow....and i WILL paint something i like. it's time to build my body of work. i will make it work, even though the boys are home for the summer. three things remain my top priorities. the boys. painting. and getting myself back to a weight i am comfortable with (which means running. more running). time to shift the balance. at least for a while.