Wednesday, August 22, 2007

today i am...

full of mixed emotions.
i am tired of talking cryptically on my own blog.
but what i am sad about isn't mine to share.
i am tired.
i am full of allergy medication.
i am wishing i could lose more weight.
i am overwhelmed by all the sadness around me.
i am looking forward to my birthday trip. it's only 17 days away.
i am looking forward to taking the boys (mine and my nephews) to the state fair tonight. that should put smiles on their faces.
i am going to get off the computer now and go be productive.


Stephanie said...

{Hugs} I wish I could be there for you to help deal with whatever is making you sad!

Lisa said...

HUG y friend. I wish I could fly to NV and take you out for a girl's night out and help you forget about the things that are bringing you down!

Rachael said...

I'm so sorry that you are sad. Put your arms on your monitor, I am giving you a big hug!!

Try to look to the good times ahead, your birthday and the fair!