Sunday, May 13, 2007

happy day you mother!

'my ten' was inspired by falyn cahall. the flower thing on 'i am' is a steal from em falconbridge.

hahaha...i think that's funny....happy day you mother!! that's a 'james' saying. having a nice day. pretty low on energy. james too. he took a nap today while E and i played (alexander was napping too). james got me super burrito for lunch. yummy. then we went out to eat for dinner. yeah...the diet thing? not so good today. back to it tomorrow full throttle.

the boys and james sang me the happy mother's day song. that was a riot. got some great cards from the boys and james. inside each was a starbucks card. funny i should have enough starbucks cards to last a crouple of weeks, huh?! and ethan not only offered...but did the dishes from breakfast. seriously. all on his own. he said he wanted me to have a nice day so he wanted to do the dishes. isn't that the best ever?!

maybe a movie tonight. maybe scrapping. depends on what james does.

played yesterday at the online crop at scrapgal. here's a couple of the LOs i did. boys are brushing teeth and then it's time for story! later.


Sherine said...

Gorgeous LOs! I love the I am. I think we are constanting changing as mothers, wives, adults. But that the fun in life!
BTW, your hubby is so darling!

Unknown said...

Your LOs rock. I am so loving your style.

Carrie K said...

yeah...i get to comment AGAIN on hot these layouts are and how your stampage rocks my socks off...